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Being the very first blog post, I'm gonna tell you a little bit of myself.

My name is Elena and I'm addicted to crocheting and knitting. Whether it's a crochet or a pair of knitting needles, I'm the happiest! I have three boys: with one I am married and for the other two I am mother. I created this site so I can share with you my love for handmade.

You will find here both free patterns and links to purchase some. I live in Suceava, Romania, a city that is part of the wonderful and well-known land called Bucovina. If you have never heard of it, or you have never visited it, I definitely invite you to do it. I think it is one of the most beautiful regions of my country, and why not, perhaps all over the world. Why? Because here you will find the most beautiful and unique landscapes, monasteries, joyfull people and pieces of history all the way. And perhaps the most important thing, the traditions kept since the time of our ancestors.

I learned to crochet when I was 8 years old, from my mum. And, because I'm a Romanian, first pattern that I learned to make was "the romanian lace cord". I made hundreds of yards of cord for the doilies that my mum use to make. Over the past years, I've become self-taught and I've learned, using the Internet, to develop this passion. And, to define "addicted", I never go somewhere without my working bag.

I hope you will find this site close to your heart, and in it, things that will inspire you and brings you joy and happiness, just as much as it brings to me or maybe even more!

Love yourself, love your passion!


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